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An attenuverter is a module or a function within a module that combines the functionalities of an attenuator and an inverter. It is used to adjust the amplitude of an input signal, such as a control voltage (CV) or audio signal, as well as to invert the polarity of the signal. Attenuverters provide versatile control over signal levels and modulation depth or intensity within a modular synthesizer patch.

An attenuverter module typically has one or more input jacks, corresponding output jacks, and knobs or sliders to adjust the amount of attenuation and inversion applied to the input signal. When the knob or slider is set to a central position, the output signal is unaffected. As the knob or slider is turned in one direction, the signal’s amplitude is attenuated (reduced), while turning it in the opposite direction causes the signal’s amplitude to be attenuated and its polarity to be inverted.

Here’s an example of how an attenuverter might be used in a modular synthesizer patch:

  1. A control voltage (CV) from a sequencer, LFO, or other modulation source is fed into the input of an attenuverter module.
  2. The knob or slider on the attenuverter module is adjusted to set the desired amount of signal reduction or inversion.
  3. The attenuated and/or inverted output signal is then sent to another module in the synthesizer, such as controlling the pitch of an oscillator, the cutoff frequency of a filter, or the depth of a modulation effect.

Using attenuverters allows a musician to have precise control over the intensity and polarity of modulation or the level of an audio signal in a modular synthesizer patch.

Attenuverters are essential components of modular synthesizer systems and are crucial for crafting complex patches and shaping sound in creative ways.