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Normalization refers to the default internal connections that exist between the inputs and outputs of a module. When a module is normalized, it means that an internal connection is made between its inputs and outputs by default, without the need for an external patch cable. This allows for simplified and streamlined signal routing and can be particularly useful for commonly used signal paths.

For example, in a basic subtractive synthesis setup, an oscillator module may be normalized to the input of a filter module. This means that the output signal of the oscillator is automatically connected to the input of the filter, without the need for an external patch cable. This allows the user to easily create and modify sounds without having to manually patch each signal path.

However, normalization is not always desirable, and in some cases, it may be necessary to break the default connections and patch signals manually to achieve the desired sound. In these cases, external patch cables can be used to override the internal connections of a module and create custom signal paths.