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Domi Fotaro – Dual Mantis Case Rundown

Building your modular synth is a very expensive personal experience.

You can get as tiny as having a solo DATA in a 3D printed enclosure w/ Befaco’s ChikiPower. You can dominate a room with something like a Double 21U Artist Series Needham case. Or, you can seek out a well-considered middle ground. Let’s check out Domi Fotaro’s path down that third road.

A rack rundown usually involves a single camera angle, some pointing, and lots of talking. Domi’s taken a comprehensive approach, detailing each decision for his case: the modules, signal flow, and usability. Bonus points for the Modular Grid highlights. Nice touch 💅

We can’t mention rack rundowns and signal paths without pointing you to Mother Dessicant’s book on modular design approaches: Designing Your Modular Synthesizer. If you’re thinking about a rack re-org, this is must-read material.

Make sure to check out Domi’s other videos on his YouTube channel. Happy patching!

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